All of it was my favorite part.

Somewhere in Spain. 
Location: West Chester, PA (home)

Well, I can tell you that even after 6 days back in the US of A that my heart and head are elsewhere, as expected. Mostly in those times that completely sucked and the times that completely kicked ass.

I still have not read my journal, parts of it, yeah, but not the whole thing. I also have not gotten to listening to all of the voice memos I made when I didn't feel like writing, but I did bang through a couple of hours of them on the drive from Valencia to Madrid.

Talk to yourself and be a good listener.

Location: Los Angeles

Landed back in the states a few days ago now and it was a shocker. I remember, after having forgotten, that alienating feeling that I had back when I was 20, when I came back after 10 months on the inaugural exodus.

This time I wasn't gone for that long but I did forgot how to start my car and how girls wear almost nothing at all, and that people talk loudly and there are lots of shits and fucks and horns and also a rare hello or goodbye.

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